Monday, May 16, 2011

A few estate sale tips

Last Friday, I went to two estate sales. I visited the first one because it was the home contents of a former DJ and he was downsizing and selling his records-about 10,000 of them! I went there specifically for the records, and purchased several of them (nowhere near 10,000). I would have stayed longer to explore the other contents but I was very dissapointed by the woman running the estate sale. Her attitude toward people she did not know who were waiting on line was rude and she would only acknowledge the people she knew-who were dealers. In fact, as I was standing next to her, she told a dealer she held the first nine numbers to give out to those she knew. That, I was told, was not very ethical.  I acually asked her if I could have a low number since she had eight left and she gave me a flat-out "Noooo." 

After waiting 10 minutes after she let the first 40 people in (I was #47), I made my way to the basement where the records were. The DJ was there and he gave me a fair price and even helped me choose ones my husband would enjoy. I walked around the other rooms and didn't find much, but what I did find was that the prices were too high for what was being offered.  Needless to say, I don't think I would attend another estate sale she was running because I don't believe I would get a fair price based on her demeanor and attitude. Something just didn't sit well with me regarding the way she conducts business.

In the afternoon, I stopped by another one of Evelyn Gordon's estate sales and the atmosphere was completely different. Her prices were fair and she also tells you about what you are purchasing and even helps you wrap your items up securely. She is also open to answering questions as well. I asked her how to tell an item is sterling silver or just plated. She explained that silver plated items do not "give". Sterling silver "gives" and bends easier. The real way to tell 100 percent is with an acid test, but carrying around a kit could be a little dangerous!

I'm learning that there are many kinds of people who run estate sales, but very few who you would enjoy talking to-and learning something from.  Evelyn has offered to answer questions about antiques for my blog so if anyone has an item to inquire about, please let me know. Thanks Evelyn!

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