Sunday, June 5, 2011

A barn sale

This was a new one on me. I've never been to a barn sale until this past weekend. And if I owned a barn, this would be exactly what I'd do with it.

As part of my sale preparation for the weekends, I look on craiglist to see where the garage sales are being held and I map out where I'm going. I read about this sale and I had to go even if it was a bit farther than I usually venture.

Well, I was not dissapointed. This barn sale was being held by the owner and in each part of the barn there was indeed something for everyone as the ad said. There were loads of antiques, collectibles, furniture, tools, toys - even crafts made by the barn owner herself.

There was even this $1 wood item area where one could find different parts of something and create something new.

I actually came home with a few wooden items and will let you know how and what this "project" turns out to be!

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